As you can imagine productivity is a big thing in my business. Not only do I aim for results within my own business but also enhancing my productivity within my clients business. Here are a few tips that I have come up with for this month.

Tip #1

Google calendars are more useful than you think, especially with the ability to create more than 1 more calendar easily. If you don’t want to use a task list program (like Wunderlist) you can create individual calendars for each list so all your to-do’s are together and easy to view on the one screen.  E.g. a calendar for everyday tasks, 1 for accounts, another for keeping track of your social media posts. By creating a different calendar for each you can colour code each list and hide them away when you want.

Tip #2

If using Toggl and you have the chrome extension activated in your browser, for each appointment/task you can start the time from within the Google Calendar. This way you know exactly what you were working on and when without having to constantly write a description in Toggl.

Tip #3

If you are wanting to use a task management program such as  Asana, Wunderlist, Trello etc. with your Google calendar you can, however your tasks will only sync once a day with Google. There is another calendar available called Sunrise and this can be synced with many programs including the above and many more. This provides you with almost instant syncing with your programs.

Tip #4

If you’re an Android user and you use your personal phone for calling your clients customers then you can download this nifty free app called ‘CallTrack’. Create an individual calendar in google and tell CallTrack to use this as the calendar for logging your calls. Within the app you can choose to log incoming, outgoing or missed calls or all 3. Once the call has been created as an entry in your diary you can add your own notes if you need to keep track of what customer you spoke to. It’s an easy way to view call durations and dates of calls.

If you want to be kept in the loop on more of my tips feel free to like me on Facebook.